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HHC (Hexahydrocannabinol) - Buy HHC (Hexahydrocannabinol) Gummies in France

The absolute enigma of the cannabis plant is the never-ending story that those in favour of natural compounds love to hear.  Just when we thought we had extensive knowledge about cannabis, another interesting fact or discovery emerges to intrigue us.  HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) is no exception.  It's relatively recent appearance into the cannabis market is making waves already, and the rapid growth in sales and demand has got everyone talking.  You can buy HHC products such as, HHC flower, HHC oil,  HHC vapes, HHC gummies, HHC hash, HHC shake/trim, HHC kief, and much more in France and other countries now globally.

What is HHC (Hexahydrocannabinol)?

HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) is produced with the hydrogenation technique. Hydrogen molecules are used with Delta 9 THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) to produce a semi-synthetic product.  The result is a psychoactive compound that packs a punch of around 80% that of Delta 9 THC.

It was back in the 1940's that Roger Adams, an American Organic Chemist, created HHC.  However, little has been heard of HHC since, and there has been limited study or research.  However, in the search for beneficial health properties within natural remedies and lawfulness, HHC has been resurrected recently.


                                         HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) - HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) was discovered by Roger Adams, the American Organic Chemist



Health and well-being is primary concern for most, and addressing various health conditions in a natural way has been trending worldwide for some time.  Those who prefer the organic approach to health pursue nature's own remedies, and seek their healing from plant-based organisms.

For centuries the cannabis plant has provided over 100 cannabinoids, several of which have become famous for their popular use.  Many cultures have used cannabis for medicinal purposes, acts of spirituality, and age-old rituals.  The traditional use of cannabis as a medicinal remedy has been passed down through generations, and along the way extensive research and studies have highlighted it's many benefits.

What are the most popular cannabinoids of the cannabis plant?

One of the most popular cannabinoids in recent years, has to be CBD (cannabidiol).  CBD is derived from hemp, which is a species of cannabis.  The difference is that THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) levels are much lower in hemp, i.e. should ideally be <0.2% THC for it to remain legal.  While cannabis with higher levels of THC, i.e. marijuana, are above the legal THC limit.


                        CBD (cannabidiol) - CBD (cannabidiol) is now famous for it's remedial properties



CBD has become famous for addressing many health and wellbeing issues.  It can not only be found online, but many high streets globally now boast a presence of CBD products.  Not only that, there are also many products from edible to topical, that include CBD as an added ingredient.

Products such as CBD flower, CBD oil, CBD hash, CBD vapes & cartridges, CBD personal care, CBD kief, CBD gummies, CBD shake, and much more are accessible to all, either online, or as mentioned, on the high street.

What are the effects of CBD?

CBD (cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid.  EU Regulations and Guidelines must be adhered to when producing CBD, which means THC must not exceed <0.2% for it to remain in the legal realm, as mentioned previously.

CBD is a non-addictive compound with healing properties favoured by many. Just some of the ailments, both physical and mental, that can be helped with a daily dose of CBD are :

  • arthritis

  • epilepsy

  • stress

  • psoriasis

  • anxiety

  • poor sleep

  • gout

  • acne

  • fibromyalgia

  • Crohn's disease

  • Parkinson's disease

  • eczema

  • chronic pain

  • inflammation

  • cancer

  • migraine. . . . . . and many more.

Probably one of the most popular ways to include CBD into a daily routine, is with CBD oil.  It is a versatile and convenient way to experience the beneficial healing and health properties.  It is available in different strengths and administered under the tongue.  Just a couple of drops will give relief from many health concerns.  Using CBD under the tongue is the quickest way for it to get into the bloodstream.  It's non-psychoactive effects makes it the perfect natural remedy to take at any time during the day.

How does HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) work with other cannabinoids?

HHC can be used with other cannabinoids to give the 'entourage effect'.   The cannabinoids present in cannabis compliment each other to deliver a robust and healing effect.  In recent years medicinal cannabis has become available on prescription in the UK.  Several cannabinoids including THC are blended together to give a powerful healing remedy to numerous health conditions.

Is HHC Legal?

Although HHC is psychoactive, at present it is legal and available to buy online worldwide.  

There are a variety of HHC products available, but one of the most popular has to be HHC gummies.  You can buy HHC gummies in France, and just about every other country globally.  Gummies are a convenient and pleasant way to dose with HHC.  Just one gummy can give beneficial, relaxing effects, and consistent use can help with several ailments, and general wellbeing.

As with any remedy, factors such as gender, height, weight, other medication, etc. can give varying effects on individuals.  Therefore, a simple way to avoid over-use is to start with a small dose to check tolerance, and increase if necessary.  












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