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Wellbeing & CBD

More than ever we are now aware of our health and general wellbeing.  The current global situation with the Coronavirus pandemic has literally made us focus on ourselves whilst in 'Lockdown'.

Life has slowed right down, and some would say this is a welcomed change.  It has been a time of reflection and realization.  Sometimes our health and wellbeing can be at the back of the queue when it comes to lifestyle priorities.

However, staying physically and mentally healthy has become a worldwide focus.  If we are to progress and come out of the other side of this pandemic, we need to give ourselves 100% of care and attention.  Our health and wellbeing needs to be maximised to it's full potential if we are to fight infection and to build a stronger immunity. We need to share our positive journey and encourage others to help themselves.

Routine is key when we embark on a new fitness regime.  Repeating good health patterns will eventually become a daily habit, and one which will have long lasting, positive benefits.

A healthy diet will naturally lead to a healthy exercise regime and visa versa.  Choosing immune and energy boosting foods will equip our physical and mental body with a line of defence.  The alternative is consuming unhealthy foods, such as bad fats and sugar, with little or no physical activity.  Unfortunately, the latter will deplete our immune system, and long term this lifestyle can lead to serious illnesses or mobility problems.

How much better we feel when we eat healthily and regularly exercise is really a no-brainer.  However, it is easy to slip back into unhealthy patterns, and to stay on track we must focus and think of the new change as an investment of our own health.  

Small changes at first will increase the likelihood of a healthy lifestyle choice becoming permanent. Eventually the small steps we take in the beginning will produce long term results with consistency.

For an extra boost to immunity, added vitamins and minerals can enhance wellbeing.  Supplements are great for supporting our diets and can be tailored to personal needs and preferences.

CBD (cannabidiol) has long been recognised as a powerful immune-supporting supplement.  With over 100 cannabinoids this compound works together with our own built-in endocannabinoid system. 

CBD contains <0.2% THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), (<0.3% in some countries), which does not give that psychoactive effect.  It is safe to use and is non-addictive.

CBD is quite a versatile supplement.  It is derived from the hemp plant, which produces the flower with all the benefits.  CBD oil is a great way to experience rapid relief from ailments and illness.  A few drops under the tongue will ensure it quickly enters the bloodstream.

Research and studies are ongoing, but there seems to be no end to the positive beneficial health properties CBD brings.

An important factor that can impact not only physical, but mental wellbeing is sleep.  Lack of sleep can cause endless problems, and if not addressed when the problem begins, can escalate into insomnia.

However, CBD is a brilliant sleep aid.  Just a few drops can assist a restful nights sleep, with a refreshing outcome.

Physical pain comes in many forms, CBD can also be applied topically as well as administered internally, to reduce inflammation.  A little CBD massage oil applied to the troublesome area can bring welcomed relief.

CBD flowers can be smoked without harmful tobacco.  It can reduce stress and anxiety by relaxing the body.  Pre-rolled CBD flower cones are now widely available and are becoming increasing popular.

How we improve our general health and wellbeing is a personal journey.  What we incorporate into our daily routine can intensify our good feelings.  With some simple changes and the addition of CBD, there are undoubtedly a multitude of benefits to be reaped.


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