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Delta 8 - Buy Delta 8 Hash in Spain

Delta 8 hash is rapidly becoming one of the most popular members of the cannabis family.   There are many Delta 8 hash products available to buy online.  Buy Delta 8 pre-rolls, vapes, cartridges, flower, oil, edibles, and much more in Spain and in many other countries. 

Although the cannabinoid known as Delta 8 was discovered many years ago, it wasn't until 1974 when the National Cancer Institute, in the U.S., carried out research on mice using this compound.

Three cannabinoids were trialled at the time, which were the now familiar CBD, (cannabidiol), Delta 9 THC, (tetrahydrocannabinol), and Delta 8 THC.  Researchers were out to prove that these 3 cannabinoids harmed the immune system, and were detrimental to health, or so they believed.

However, researchers were to be proved quite wrong in their belief. Instead what they did discover was that Delta 8 had cancer-killing properties, quite the reverse of what they thought.  Intrigued greatly by their findings, scientists continued to study the potential of Delta 8.

A year later in 1975, additional tests were performed, but this time with rats.  Their amazing discovery was that Delta 8 was capable of shrinking tumors in the rats they were experimenting with.  This was a remarkable discovery, and somewhat of a eureka moment.


Very little was reported or heard of Delta 8 around this time, but in 1995 more research and development was carried out.   This time it was carried out on children who suffered from nausea whilst having chemotherapy treatment.  
Delta 8 not only helped with the nausea symptoms the children suffered, but it also helped with other related symptoms.  Scientists recorded that 480 cases were treated, and astoundingly there was a 100% success rate.

Delta 8 has been wowing us with it's healing benefits ever since.  However, it was also discovered that it was mildly psychoactive, and subsequently classed as an illegal compound.

In 2018 the American Farm Bill looked at Delta 8 and it's properties in great detail.  After much deliberation and debate, it was deemed a legal cannabinoid.  Why?, because Delta 8  is derived from hemp, along with other compounds this plant produces.  Anything derived from hemp is legal according to the Farm Bill.

CBD (cannabidiol) is produced from hemp, and in turn converted into Delta 8.  Therefore Delta 8 is viewed as a synthetic product, the complexities of which are outlined in this Bill.  Albeit, it lies in a bit of a legal grey area, but all the same, for the moment it is lawful.

Delta 8 has the potential to treat many ailments and illnesses.  It also has been recognised that it improves cognitive function, clarity of the mind and also improves alertness.  Good news for many who don't like the psychoactive effects of it's cousin, Delta 9 THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which are more profound.
                                    IN 2018 THE AMERICAN FARM BILL DEEMED DELTA 8 LEGAL

In the U.S. researchers are still experimenting with Delta 8.  Around 2004 another study was carried out, again with mice.  A small amount of Delta 8 was administered to the mice, and it was discovered that it improved their appetite.  The mice were also given Delta 9 in small amounts, but their appetite did not increase as much as it did with Delta 8.  The mice also experienced less anxiety when they were given Delta 8, than they did when given Delta 9.  Delta 9 is much more psychoactive than Delta 8.

Since then other studies have shown that Delta 8 can manage pain, and also inflammation.  It can address both physical and mental health conditions in a positive way.

The legalisation of Delta 8 in 2018 has caused somewhat of buzz in the cannabis market.  To say people are surprised about it's lawfulness is an understatement.  This is mainly because Delta 8 is psychoactive.  It has mind-altering effects, and will get you slightly 'stoned'. 

This psychoactive effect from THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), is normally associated with Delta 9.  For years this cannabinoid has been heralded as a powerful medication alternative.  It can relieve pain and also address many medical conditions.  Advocators of Delta 9 have campaigned for many years for legalisation globally.  Although it has been made lawful in some countries for medical use, it still remains widely illegal, and the penalties for possession, use or supply can be quite severe

CBD (cannabidiol) is also derivative of the hemp plant.  Recent years have seen CBD products become much sought after, by those who want to remedy physical and mental issues.

It is worth mentioning here that CBD, however, is completely non-psychoactive.  Therefore, those who prefer to supplement for health and well-being reasons, but without the mind-altering effects, can choose CBD (cannabidiol).  As long as there is <0.2% THC, (<0.3% in some countries), it is perfectly safe and legal to use.

There are many ways to use Delta 8 and this depends on personal preference.  Considering Delta 8 is relatively new, there is an abundance of products already available.


Delta 8 hash is a premium product.  It is the cleanest and purest way to extract the compound from the hemp plant.  However, hash is generally known for it's potency, and this should be borne in mind when using it. 

 Although you will not find Delta 8 on your high street just yet, unlike CBD, there are a number of suppliers online who you can purchase Delta 8 from.

For instance, if you were to search buy Delta 8 in Spain, or buy Delta 8 hash in Spain, a plethora of cultivators and suppliers would show up, supplying an arrangement of Delta 8 products.

                              DELTA 8 - BUY DELTA 8 HASH IN SPAIN QUITE EASILY ONLINE

You can buy Delta 8 hash in Spain, and many other European countries.  
There are a range of products you can buy online for instance, Delta 8 hash, flower, oils, pre-rolls, edibles, vapes & cartridges, tinctures, personal care products, the list is growing!

Vaping, for example, is a popular past time for many.  This is mainly due to the fact people want to give up smoking tobacco.  Obviously tobacco is harmful to health, and the cause of many serious illnesses.  There are many different vaping oils and flavours to vape with in the endeavour to quit tobacco.  For those who want to address health and wellbeing however, Delta 8 is a great supplement.

With Delta 8 there is no anxiety or paranoia as experienced with Delta 9.  It is a safe cannabinoid that will help the user focus.

It's not surprising that the popularity of both Delta 8 and Delta 8 hash is growing, as some of those who have previously used Delta 9 convert.  Some prefer the mild psychoactive effect.  The clarity and alertness of the mind are also big factors, as those who cannot function in the 'stoned' state favour Delta 8's properties.  Users of Delta 8 products also report of a 'body hit', a generally good feeling of health and wellbeing.

Choose a vape that has a built-in airflow, and also one that has low wattage or power.  This will ensure that the oil does not burn.


                                    DELTA 8 - VAPING WITH DELTA 8 HASH IS A POPULAR PASTIME

Another interesting fact is that Delta 8 has a longer shelf life than Delta 9.  This is because it does not oxidise to cannabinol.  Delta 9, on the other hand is easily oxidised to cannabinol.

Choosing a reputable supplier is crucial to the quality of any Delta 8 product.  It is usual practice to receive laboratory certification which will  indicate what is contained in the product, and also it's legality.


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