Alzheimer's Disease is a degenerative disease of the brain that in later stages leads to Dementia. Alzheimer's Disease is irreversible, and widely happens to those in their mid sixties, and is also classed as late-onset Dementia.
Symptoms are progressive and can initially start with memory loss. Sufferers can have difficulty remembering people, places or life events and even language. Problem solving can also be difficult too, even for the simplest of tasks.
Alzheimer's Disease develops when the connections between brain cells that connect to each other are damaged. Connections are lost and this starts the degenerative process. This causes proteins to build up, and these are called plaques and tangles. Brain tissue is lost when the nerve cells die.
Chemical composition changes in the brain too. The 'chemical messengers' which send information to the brain cells are damaged, and eventually the brain cells die.
Alzheimer's Disease was named after physician Aloysius Alzheimer. He was a psychiatrist and neuropathologist, who identified the first published case of Presenile Dementia. It's name was later changed to Alzheimer's Disease.
There is now widespread support for Alzheimer sufferers. There is also a lot of information on it's treatment, as the disease has become more apparent.
Medication can help slow down the process.
Alternative medicine such as CBD flowers and oils are being sought as there are some definite positive benefits.
There have been recent studies whereby the use of CBD flowers or oils have reduced inflammation, oxygen build up and the decline of the brain cells.
Cannabidiol (CBD) was discovered in 1940's. It's one of 113 cannabinoids found in the hemp plant, and can account for 40% of the plants extract.
CBD flowers and oils are safe to use, and can be found on the worldwide wide web, and even the high street.
For those who are apprehensive about CBD, thinking it may get you 'high', it doesn't. CBD is non-psychoactive. The component that does you high is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) found in cannabis also.
Industrial hemp is farmed for it's CBD levels. Super-critical extraction is used to pull the CBD from the plant. There are also rigorously European guidelines to adhere to when farming industrial hemp. Regular laboratory analysis is carried out to determine levels of THC, 0.2% being the norm, although it is now legal in some European countries to have levels of 0.3%.
Purchasing CBD flowers and oils can vary from supplier to supplier. Organically grown is favourable and will ensure a decent quality product.
Prices also vary, so it's advisable to shop around.
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