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ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

In recent years ADHD has been brought to the forefront in recognising the behavioural habits of many individuals.

ADHD is now understood as a disorder, which in itself has brought relief and answers to those who suffer, or those who care for the individual that experiences it.

As can be imagined, until studies and research have been carried out over a number of years, concerns about children's behaviour, (as this is where it begins), can be explained more.  Of course studies and research are ongoing to help us understand the disorder and remedy it.

ADHD typically presents itself in childhood.  The child could have poor concentration whether it be when learning, or generally with every day activities.  They can also be quite impulsive in situations, and can be upset to different extents when certain circumstances for them change.

There are 2 recognised categories of ADHD.  One is inattentiveness and the other is hyperactivity and impulsiveness.

Inattentiveness is defined by several behaviours.  The sufferer can be forgetful, easily distracted, have a short attention span, finds it hard to listen for any length of time.  They will constantly change tasks as they become restless and find certain things mundane and boring. They can also be disorganised which causes confusion and frustration for them.

Hyperactivity and impulsiveness signals can be excessive talking, can't keep still, can say things without really thinking and can interrupt conversations unaware they need to wait their turn.  It is not uncommon for them to act on impulse even in dangerous situations.

As life progresses and children become adults, ADHD can represent other problems.  Social settings can cause a great deal of anxiety and ADHD is difficult to discipline.  Interaction with others can prove hard, and usually ADHD sufferers can also be under-achievers.

Unfortunately not a lot of research has been carried out with adults who have ADHD.  This is because it's a progressive condition that starts in childhood. It will permeate through the teenage years and into adulthood.  This is why it is vital that it is recognised in childhood, so that the individual can get the right support and guidance from the beginning.

There are also some related conditions that can be identified as typical for those who have ADHD.  Depression can be a factor, as can bipolar.  Personality disorders are also common with sufferers, as is OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).

Treatment for ADHD can vary from patient to patient, as with all ailments it depends on the individual.  Medication and physical exercise can be beneficial and give positive results.

However, alternative remedies are often sought.  The use of CBD (cannabidiol) is growing in popularity.  This compound is safe to use, and is a natural alternative to prescribed medicine.  It is also a non-addictive choice.

So, how does CBD work?  We have natural cannabinoids in our bodies.  We have two types of cannabinoid receptors, cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1), and cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2).

CB1 can be found in abundance in our bodies, and this is directly related to epilepsy.  CB2 is more profound in the immune system and is related to pain and inflammation.

CBD encourages our bodies to use our own natural produced cannabinoids.  This can bring immediate relief for anxiety, depression, poor sleep, stress, and many other ailments.

CBD is widely available in the form of oil or flowers.  This makes for a very versatile product that can be consumed conveniently.  CBD oil can be administered underneath the tongue, (it's the quickest way to get it into your bloodstream).  CBD flowers can be smoked, (without the harmful tobacco), or can be added into food and consumed that way.

Whichever way you choose to include CBD into your daily routine, the benefits are proven and great.  It's a natural product that is safe to use and is sure to promote general well being.

EU Regulations and Guidelines are adhered to in the manufacture of CBD, ensuring health and safety are paramount at all times.






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