Hemp Product Guidelines
All European Regulations & Guidelines have been met in the production & distribution Hempire Gardens products, including hemp flower.
All Hempire Gardens products are distributed in Europe conforming with the 1729/1999 Royal Decree EU Hemp derived products law and the Mutual Recognition of Goods principle of the EU.
All Hempire Gardens products sold on the www.hempiregardens.com platform, are not intended for human consumption.
All products are sold for souvenir and aromatic purposes only. The end use is the full responsibility of the customer.
Each product is supplied with a relevant laboratory analysis, in addition to a seed purchase invoice. The invoice states the LEGAL EUROPEAN LOT NUMBER from the mandatory list of European Regulated Seeds.
Detailed information on this legislation can be verified by visiting the following EU website link: https://agriculture.ec.europa.eu/farming/crop-productions-and-plant-based-products/hemp_en
All relevant legislation has been followed by HEMPIRE GARDENS, in addition to supplying all relevant documentation required by Customs & Excise.
Seizures have a severe and detrimental effect on our reputation and finances.
Any seizure of Hempire Gardens products will be taken very seriously, and will be deemed unlawful.
We have clearly stated the laws within which we operate, and provided links to the government guidance and legislation we adhere to.