CBD oil is hailed as a great remedy for inflammation. This doesn't just mean it's good for our joints and muscles. Although it is a perfect solution for damaged muscles that cause swelling and inflammation.
Massaging with CBD oil is a relaxing way to soothe aches and pains, and can be of great benefit when done regularly.
CBD (cannabidiol) is derived from the hemp plant. It is a non-psychoactive compound which will not intoxicate the brain, unlike THC (tetracannabinol).
Of course inflammation can be a problem when our face is affected by break-outs, such as spots, and/or swollen areas. Break-outs can become quite painful to touch, and can also make us self-conscious.
Acne is a more severe skin condition, as is psoriasis and eczema, but CBD products can help.
CBD flowers and oil are very versatile. If you have never tried to remedy a skin problem with CBD products, give it a try.
CBD flowers and oil suit all skin types. It is safe to use, and readily available on the high street or online.
A little goes a long way, and it's good to experiment with different ways to use CBD flowers and oil on the skin.
Making a soothing face mask is a relaxing way to give our skin nourishment and sometimes a much needed glow.
Making a home-made face mask is so much fun, and there are many different kinds, depending on what you want to achieve.
For example honey and oats mixed together with 2 drops of CBD oil is a good starter. Mix a couple of tablespoons of oats, the same amount of honey, then the CBD oil. CBD flowers can be ground into a flaky consistency. A small amount can be sprinkled into the mix if you prefer.
Honey is a natural antiseptic, it can calm and protect the skin. Oats are good for cleansing and exfoliating the skin. They are also anti-inflammatory and are an antioxidant. Drying up excess oil, oats can be especially beneficial for acne.
A silky, smooth result can be achieved by apply this home-made mask. Regular use of CBD products will enhance the skin.
Also CBD flowers and oil can be taken internally. Incorporating CBD flowers and oil into our diet is a good way of getting more iron, antioxidants and protein.
CBD oil can be administered directly under the tongue, a couple of drops daily will suffice.
Adding CBD flowers to salads, dressings or even smoothies is convenient way to not only boost general health, but to feed our skin.
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