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HHC (Hexahydrocannabinol) - Buy HHC (Hexhydrocannabinol) Gummies in the UK & Ireland

Here we are again talking about another exciting and little-known cannabinoid from the cannabis plant.  There seems to be no end to the cannabis plant enigma, and it really should have superstar status given the natural, beneficial properties it gives us in abundance.  HHC or hexahydrocannabinol, to give it it's full title, is making a name for itself worldwide.  Although HHC has been around for a while, it is only now that many are being awakened to it's healing and wellbeing properties.

HHC is the most stable composition of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).  THC is, of course the psychoactive component of the cannabis plant.  Also referred to as Delta 9.  THC <0.3% is legal in most countries, but go above that threshold, and it loses it's legal status.  Therefore, the cultivation, supply, possession, or use of THC above the limit can carry varying penalties if the law is broken.


                                  THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) - THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is abundant in the cannabis plant


HHC has hit the cannabis market running.  The reason being, is that it is around 80% psychoactive, giving it the mind-altering effects familiar with THC.  However, HHC is considered a legal cannabinoid.

In 2018 the American Farm Bill deemed that anything derived from the hemp plant would be classed as legal. The law stipulates that the THC content from products of hemp must remain <0.3% to stay within the law as mentioned.


                               2018 American Farm Bill - 2018 American Farm Bill legalised anything derived from hemp


Industrial hemp is a valuable resource commercially.  It is considered to be one of the fastest growing plants on earth, and it gives us an abundance of valuable commodities for every day use.  It may come as a surprise, but here are just some of the products derived from the humble hemp plant :

  • biofuel

  • bioplastics

  • rope

  • paper

  • food

  • drink

  • clothes

  • shoes

  • insulation . . . . . . . and much more.


CBD (cannabidiol) is probably the most popular cannabinoid from the hemp plant.  In recent years it has been at the forefront of the cannabis market with sales and demand reaching astronomical heights.  CBD is renowned for it's healing properties, and there are many forms of CBD products available to buy online, and also on the high street.  

For example, CBD flower, CBD hash, CBD vapes & cartridges, CBD shake, is available from www.hempiregardens.com.  These organic and natural products have shown to give relief from pain and other ailments, sought after by those who choose the natural route to address health conditions.

Just some of the mental and physical health conditions that can be addressed with CBD are :

  • arthritis

  • chronic pain

  • fibromyalgia

  • gout

  • psoriasis

  • acne

  • depression

  • poor sleep

  • cancer

  • Parkinson's disease

  • Crohn's disease

  • eczema

  • MS

  • PTSD 

  • stress

  • anxiety . . . . . and many others.



                      CBD (cannabidiol) - CBD (cannabidiol) addresses numerous mental and physical ailments



HHC seems to be heading in the same direction as CBD.  There are numerous HHC products on the market now, welcomed in just the same way as CBD.  Probably one of the most popular choices in the HHC range is HHC Gummies, becoming almost as popular as CBD gummies.  Gummies are the fruity, jelly-like sweets infused with that all-important cannabinoid, HHC.  You can buy HHC gummies in the UK & Ireland quite easily online.

HHC gummies are a versatile and convenient way to dose daily, and address a health issue, or they can be used for general wellbeing.  However, physiological factors such as, gender, height, weight, other medication, should be taken in consideration, as effects can vary greatly from person to person.  It is recommended that a small dose to start with is best, and can be increased gradually depending on individual preference.







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