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CBD Oil - Should we In-Corporate into Our Daily Lives?









What’s the deal with CBD oil?  Should you be incorporating CBD into your into your life?

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the many compounds found in the cannabis plant.

 THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is one of the most renowned compounds found in cannabis due to it being the most active. It is the ingredient that causes that  ‘mind altering’ high feeling which cannabis is renowned for.

CBD (cannabidiol) however, is not psychoactive which means that it does not change the state of mind of the user. It does, on the other hand, cause significant changes in the body hence the claims of it having both medical and physical  benefits.

So, what is CBD and how can it benefit you and your health?

Any given moment of any given day we are exposed to an unimaginable amount of viruses, bacteria and germs.  Most of which would ultimately kill us, if it wasn’t for our built in immune system which helps to keep these nasties at bay.

CBD helps to support the immune responses work in the most efficient way possible. CBD helps allocate our immune systems duties, it can help both overactive and underactive immune systems to work more efficiently.

Throughout our bodies we have a system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The endocannabinoid system has receptors  throughout our brain, organs, and nervous system. The endocannabinoid system also helps our body regulate it’s immune system by helping it return to homeostasis (basically helping our organs live their best life!)

So how exactly does this wonder ingredient work it’s magic?

The endocannabinoids system has three components: receptors, enzymes and endocannabinoids which function regardless of CBD use.

While experts are currently trying to fully understand the ECS so far, we know that it plays a role in regulating various functions and processes which include sleep, memory, appetite, mood,  memory, reproduction, and fertility.

There are currently two main cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2 that belong to the endocannabinoid system. This refers to the signalling in the human body that regulates some of the signalling processes in our bodies such as metabolism, pain sensation, immune function, to name a few.

It is not currently understood how CBD interacts with the ECS, but studies suggest that it is unlike THC, which is believed to work by binding CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain. As CBD is absorbed by the body it prevents endocannabinoids from being broken down, therefore allowing them to have more of an effect on your body.

Although CBD has little effect on the CB1 and B2  receptors, it can however, modulate several non – cannabinoid receptors which control the effect of certain elements within our body.  This ultimately benefits some of our brain processes which can impact things like pain-sensation, mood, memory, and appetite.

So, with public curiosity rising and CBD sales soaring we predict that CBD could be the answer that we have been searching for.

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