CBD and Surgery

CBD and Surgery

Surgery, no matter if it's minor or major, can have a number of physical and mental affects on the individual.

Whether it's for something as simple as an ingrowing toenail, to a replacement hip, recovery is completely different for everyone.

Factors around the speed of recovery can of course depend on the severity of the surgery, and also age.

The days, weeks or months before surgery can be used to get one's mental attitude prepared.  It is quite normal to feel stressed and anxious about any physical change, but positive thinking really helps.

Before any surgery there is always a 'pre-op' appointment.  This appointment is for your consultant or doctor to talk you through the oncoming procedure.  You can ask as many questions as you wish to allay any concerns you may have.  Also at a pre-op appointment you may be asked to give some blood samples, and maybe have some physical checks, i.e. weight, height, blood pressure, etc.

Worrying about the procedure is normal, but this can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety.  Loss of sleep is quite often experienced at this time, and it is worth mentioning that lack of sleep can lower the immune system.

Ideally, the time you have before any procedure should be used to ensure your health is as good as it can be.  Following a healthy diet, and if necessary losing some excess weight can be very helpful.  Increasing physical activity can not only help with unwanted weight gain, but it can promote a restful sleeping pattern, which is important.

Although traditionally prescription pain relief is given after surgery to aid recovery, a more natural approach is becoming favourable.

CBD (cannabidiol) is a powerful supplement that is now being recognised as a 'cure all' remedy.  Many studies into CBD products, especially CBD oil and CBD flowers have shown encouraging results.

CBD is widely known for it's anti-inflammatory properties, and inflammation can be a result of many physical changes, or indeed post-operation outcomes.

CBD oil is a calming tincture that can alleviate anxiety and stress, it also helps with a restful sleeping pattern.

Conditions such as seizures, (particularly in epilepsy), arthritis, diabetes, and many more have seen vast improvement with regular use of CBD.

CBD oil can be purchased quite easily, but there are many different brands and strengths.  It is advisable to research some facts and choose what's best for you.

CBD oil is administered by taking a few drops under the tongue.  While CBD flowers can be added into the diet, i.e. into smoothies, soups, dressings.  It really depends on personal preference.

It's worth mentioning that CBD is non-addictive, and also does not give you a mind-altering experience.  As long as your preferred product has no more than 0.3% of CBD present, you're good to go!

It is also reassuring to know that European Regulations and Guidelines recommend consistent analysis of CBD levels from industrial hemp cultivators.  This ensures that CBD is safe to use.

It can be used to support the immune system and will support general health and wellbeing.


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